Monday, 13 December 2021

Compiling Kernel For Android ARM64 With Ender-3 Pro ch341 Driver (LG G4)

 Kernel Driver Support to Connect to Ender

For any rom, if you want to connect it to Ender 3, you need "ch341" driver added/activated in the kernel or you need a custom implementation of it (look for octo4a program). You could understand it by connecting the phone with a USB OTG cable to your printer and execute command "ls /dev | grep tty". If  there is "ttyusb" or "ttyacm" , it means that kernel has the driver. If kernel does not have the driver you have two options: 
  1. You need to compile a kernel with driver support. Also keep in mind that kernel needs to support "loopback" functionality to host a virtual linux system and accept/direct connections to that virtual linux over its loopback.
  2. You can install octo4a, which installs custom a ch34x driver. and you need to mount the serial pipe of the octo4a (you can check that part from:

Compiling Kernel for ARM64 (LG G4)

If you do not want to bother with all compiling, just download the boot.img that i compiled. It is for  LG G4 H815 International Lineage OS. 

I will be telling the procedure for LG G4 but it should be generally applicable to any ARM64 (not ARM) android phone. Here is the guide i followed if you would like to check: 

The kernel used for LG G4 for this specific rom is Titan Kernel and luckily kernel aldready have  ch341 driver, just not activated. 
You need a linux environment to compile kernel (might be possible on windows too). First you need to download the kernel and a toolchain (Google) to compile it. 

We need programs/files listed below: 
  • AIK KITCHEN folder (to split and merge new kernel into boot.img file) 
  • Google Toolchain
  • Kernel folder (new kernel source code)
  • boot.img file (we will replace the kernel in this original image file taken from firm zip file) 
1. Installing prerequisites 
sudo apt-get install libncurses5 libncurses5-dev
sudo apt-get install make
sudo apt-get install git

2. Install google toolchain

cd /home/ercin 
git clone 

3. Download Android image kitchen  and extract it to a folder. (/home/ercin/Downloads/AIK-Linux)

4. Download Lineage OS rom and extract boot.img file

At the end you will have a Download folder  with folders and images like below: 

5. Edit kernel configuration file to include ch341 driver  (you need to find the defconfig file for your phone type, which is generally under /arch/arm64/configs folder inside kernel folder)

6. Compile New Kernel
export ARCH=arm64 && export SUBARCH=arm64
export CROSS_COMPILE=$(pwd)/bin/aarch64-linux-android-
cd /home/ercin/Downloads/elite-boeffla-kernel-lineage14.1-i9300-master/
make clean
make mrproper
make lineageos_i9300_defconfig
make -j$(nproc --all)
7.Now you have the kernel with name Zimage under arch/arm/boot folder: 
8. Unpack boot.img (taken from lineage os zip file) and change old kernel with newly compiled one. 

cd /home/ercin/Downloads/AIK-Linux/
./ /home/ercin/Downloads/boot.img 
cd /home/ercin/Downloads/AIK-Linux/split_img/
rm boot.img-zImage
cp  /home/ercin/downloads/elite-boeffla-kernel-lineage14.1-i9300-master/arch/arm/boot/Zimage boot.img-zImage
cd /home/ercin/Downloads/AIK-Linux/

Now you have image-new.img file under folder /home/ercin/Downloads/AIK-Linux

8. Install image-new.img file to phone boot section using TWRP


Unknown said...

Im having a hard time following your write-up for compiling this setup for my Oneplus, I've finally figured out what youve extracted and which items you are saying to pay attention to. I also did notice a ch341.c file underneath drivers folder of most repositories. I will attempt to compile using your guide and enabling in my DEFCONFIG for ch341 to be enabled as ascribed by your Titan Kernal change. Everything after the file config I am having a really hard time following however, as far as compiling the kernel.

Erçin TORUN said...

i'll try to make namings a bit more easy to follow when i'll find time. Thanks for the feedback.

Honor said...

Im having hard time to find CH341 config setting for my old devices(Lenovo k6 power,samsung core 2 duo and Moto e3 power) All these devices are rooted and have custom ROM. Please help me to find that setting :( Waiting for reply!